De WIA kent 4 situaties die de uitkering bepalen

The WIA and its 4 situations

After two years of illness, the employee will fall back on the statutory WIA benefit for their income. The disability rating determines the benefit.
4 jun 2024 4 minuten Centraal Beheer

UWV determines the disability rating and residual earning capacity

UWV determines your employee’s disability rating. They also look at how much your employee can still earn. UWV calls this the employee’s residual earning capacity. Utilising the capacity is key to this. All statutory WIA benefits have an upper limit. View the current WIA wage ceiling.

Currently, the website is available in Dutch only.

Your employee’s WIA benefit depends on their disability rating

The WIA has made rules for 4 situations which a disabled employee can face. An disabled employee faces 1 of these situations.
Scheme WIA
Your employee is not eligible for a statutory benefit.
Your employee is subject to the Return to Work (Partially or temporarily Disabled Persons) Scheme (WGA). The more your employee utilises of their residual earning capacity, the higher their income.

Your employee will first receive a wage-related WGA benefit
The benefit is 75% of the employee’s last-earned wage for the first 2 months, then 70%, capped at the WIA wage ceiling. The duration of the WGA benefit depends on how long your employee has worked. The WGA benefit lasts for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 24 months.

After which, they receive a WGA wage supplement benefit for a residual earning capacity of 50%
or more

If your employee utilises 50% or more of their residual earning capacity when the WGA benefit ends, they will receive a WGA wage supplement benefit from UWV.

Or a WGA follow-up benefit for a residual earning capacity of less than 50%
If your employee utilises less than 50% of their residual earning capacity, they will receive a WGA follow-up benefit from UWV. The follow-up benefit is based on the minimum wage, not the employee’s last-earned wage. This can result in a significant drop in their total income.

Your employee is fully disabled and cannot work because of this. Their health is expected to improve to the point that they can work again in the future. Your employee will receive 70% of their last-earned gross wage before disability. UWV caps this gross wage at the WIA wage ceiling. Did your employee earn more than the WIA wage ceiling? They will not receive a WIA benefit from UWV for any wage over the WIA wage ceiling.
In this situation, your employee will receive 75% of their last-earned wage, up to the WIA wage ceiling. This is a benefit under the Fully Disabled Persons Income Scheme (IVA).

Protect your employees with a WIA Insurance 

You like to take good care of your people. Even if they cannot work for you for a while. The WIA insurance offers you certainty. The WIA insurance protects your employees against the financial consequences if they are (temporarily) unable to work.
Currently, the website is available in Dutch only.

Discover which WIA insurance fits your situation

With a WIA insurance, you make important choices for your employee's income after 2 years of illness. View the options so you can determine which insurance best suits your situation. 

Calculate your employee’s income

Use the WIA calculator to calculate how high an income is in the event of long-term disability. In this way, you can immediately see how a WIA insurance will help your employee.
Bron Centraal Beheer
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