Wia Metalektrosector visial

Metalektro WIA

Insurances for the Metalektro industry

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As of 1 January 2023, Centraal Beheer (a trade name of Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V.) is the executor for the Metalektro WIA insurance policies. All employers and employees covered by the Metalektro collective labour agreement (CLA) (articles 3.8.6 and 3.8.7) can take advantage of our insurance and associated benefits. Our insurance policies are intended to protect against loss of income due to disability. The Metalektro WIA Social Partners offer a discount on the premium. Our goal is to offer you excellent insurance and help.

  • Options to protect income in the event of disability
  • You pay a favourable collective premium
  • Disability insurance aligned with the Metalektro CLA
[Disclaimer: As a courtesy we provide you with an English translation of our website. You can and may not derive any rights, entitlements or obligations from this English translation. Our disability insurance policies are regulated by Dutch law and as such, our Dutch conditions and entitlements documents are the only legal documents from which you can derive your rights, entitlements and obligations.]
Employers can now directly contact the income experts at Centraal Beheer Zakelijk. This applies to new customers as well as existing customers already affiliated with the Metalektro collective scheme. As an employee, you can find information about the insurance and changes.