Is the Disability Gap or Disability Gap Extra right for you?

Insure your income in the event of disability

Nederlands Nederlands

Centraal Beheer's Disability Gap (WGA Hiaat) insurance gives you extra financial security in case of disability. This insurance comes in two versions: Disability Gap (WGA Hiaat) and Disability Gap Extra (WGA Hiaat uitgebreid). We have outlined the difference between these insurance policies for you below. We have also provided a real-life example to help you make the right choices.

Sample calculation: what will you get?

Sjoerd is 38 years old and is 50% disabled. He works in industrial services. He is unable to find another job to utilise his residual earning capacity. As a result, he will receive a WGA (Return to Work (Partially or temporarily Disabled Persons) Scheme) follow-up benefit of €9,387 up to the state pension age. This causes a significant drop in income for Sjoerd. The following calculation demonstrates what Disability Gap or Disability Gap Extra can do for Sjoerd's income.

  • Age: 38
  • Income: €35,000 (according to uniform wage definition)
  • Disability: 50%
  • Utilisation of residual earning capacity: 0%

What insurance does Sjoerd's employer take out for him?

Income after disability up to the state pension age

Rekenvoorbeeld WGA Hiaat Engels

Disability Gap

With Disability Gap, Sjoerd will receive €2,863 in addition to the follow-up benefit until the state pension age. This amount is based on his last-earned wage. The benefit depends on Sjoerd's disability rating. The WGA follow-up benefit of €9,387 brings him to €12,250. This is 35% of his last-earned wage.
  • WGA follow-up benefit: €9,387
  • Disability Gap: €2,863
  • Total: €12,250 (2024)
Rekenvoorbeeld WGA Hiaat uitgebreid Engels

Disability Gap Extra

With Disability Gap Extra, Sjoerd will receive €15,113 in addition to the follow-up benefit until the state pension age. Disability Gap Extra aims to maintain a minimum income of 70% (70% of €35,000 = €24,500) of the last earned wage (up to the WIA wage ceiling). The WGA follow-up benefit of €9,387 brings him to €24,500. This is 70% of his last-earned wage.
  • WGA follow-up benefit: €9,387
  • Disability Gap Extra: €15,113
  • Total: €24,500 (2024)

The differences

Disability Gap

Disability Gap Extra

What amount will be paid out in compensation? This depends on the disability rating (minimum 35%). This does not depend on the disability rating (minimum 35%). You will receive at least 70% of your last earned wage before becoming disabled.
When will you receive compensation? If you earn less than 50% of your residual earning capacity according to UWV, subject to a minimum annual income of €22,500. You will receive 5% additional coverage if you use 50% or more of your residual earning capacity. You will also receive compensation if you earn less than 50% of what UWV believes you can earn.
For which WGA benefits will you receive compensation? The insurance provides compensation if you receive a WGA follow-up benefit. There is income security if you receive a WGA benefit, including a WGA follow-up benefit or WGA wage supplement benefit.
You can get comprehensive protection against income loss in the event of long-term disability with Disability Gap insurance through your employer.

Use our handy WIA calculator to work out the consequences for your employees.