What is Disability Compensation?
Disability Compensation insurance (WIA-Compensatieverzekering) from Centraal Beheer provides temporary compensation if you are less than 35% but 15% or more disabled.
- A reimbursement period of up to 7.5 years (up to 68 years old or the personal state pension age if this is lower)
- Compensation continues even after leaving employment
- Your employer pays 50% of the premium
Sample calculation: what will you get?
Martin is 43 years old and earns €40,000 a year. The compensation is the annual wage (up to the WIA wage ceiling) * the disability rating (15 to 35%).
- Martin gets sick and is examined by the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) after two years.
- UWV determines that he is 20% disabled.
- Disability Compensation pays out:
€40,000 * 20% = €8,000 per year.
Martin will receive this compensation for up to 7.5 years.